March 13, 2021

These days many International students are choosing the option studying in regional Australia

Reasons for moving and studying in Regional Australia

Longer period Post -Graduate Visa

 You may get extra 1 to 2 years of post- graduate visa if you graduate from the universities in regional  Australia.  So altogether you may have 3 to 4 years full working rights visa. 

Gain extra point for Skilled Migration

You can gain extra points if you study in Regional Australia. If you live and complete your 2 years studies, you get five points towards skilled migration.

Affordable Living Cost

The cost of living in Regional area is much cheaper than living in a Metropolitan city of Australia. The cost of accommodation, food and transport is higher if you are living in Sydney or Melbourne compared to living in Regional Australia.

Relaxing lifestyle

Mostly people living in Regional areas are laid back and life is slow and relaxed. The regional areas are less crowded and it’s easy to commute.

Now we take an example that if you study in a regional area, how it can benefit you in future.

Suppose you are studying a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Regional Area.

Once you complete the studies, you will be eligible to apply for a full work rights visa (Subclass 485) and you may get this visa upto 3 to 4 years.

Further visa options -

  • Complete Professional Year (If you have studied in Accounting, IT or Engineering field). With completion of Professional year, the you can claim 5 points towards Skilled Migration.
  • If you find full time employment in your occupation and accumulate 2 to 3 years work experience as a holder of Subclass 485 Visa.
  • You can claim Australian work experience points towards Skilled Migration. ( 5 points for one year and 10 points for 3 years work experience in nominated occupation in Australia) so you have more chances to receive an invitation for skilled migration.
  • Then, If you accumulate 2 years full time experience, you become eligible to apply for employer sponsored visa (Subclass 482).
  • If your occupation is on MLTSSL then you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency after total 3 years of work experience under Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186) Direct entry stream.
  • Or you may become eligible to apply for permanent residency through the Temporary Residence Transition stream after working with your employer for 3 years as a holder of Subclass 482 visa.
  • If your occupation is on RSOL and you have 3 years work experience, you are eligible to apply for Subclass 494 -Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa. This visa can also lead you towards permanent residency.

So, looking at above, there are benefits to move in Regional area for further studies.

While there are many benefits of moving to Regional Australia, you should also consider other factors such as your career goals, your preferred field of study, employment opportunities and cost of living.

Also, We suggest you look at other drawbacks too if you are trying to move to regional area such as not many job opportunities, lack of facilities and limited entertainment options.

(Disclaimer – The information contained on this page is to provide general advice only and is not to be taken as individual advice for your personal circumstances. Information provided is subject to change at any time, and before making any decision, you should seek professional advice about your circumstances.)



Vinod Kumar

MARN: 1169871) 

Hope Immigration Services 

02 86785756

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