July 20, 2022
- by Hope Immigration Services
- Leave a Comment on Changes to the Job Ready Program (JRP) from 1 July 2022
From 1 July 2022, the Job Ready Program (JRP) has moved from a four (4) step program to a three (3) step program.
The JRP is an employment-based skills assessment program. It is for international student graduates with an Australian qualification. The program gives you:
- A skills assessment outcome to apply to the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) for a skilled migration visa.
- The opportunity to develop your skills and employment experience in an Australian workplace
A skills assessment shows if you have the skills and experience needed to work in Australia in your occupation.
Each of the JRP steps requires an online application and has specific eligibility requirements. You should familiarise yourselves with the eligibility requirements before commencing your application. Eligibility requirements must be met before you can apply.
The following sections provide detailed information about the requirements of each step of the program.
![Changes to the Job Ready Program](https://hopeimmi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Changes-to-the-Job-Ready-Program.png)
JRPRE (Job Ready Program Registration and Eligibility)
The JRPRE (Job Ready Program Registration and Eligibility) registers you in the Job Ready Program (JRP) and will assess your eligibility for the program by confirming your identity and verifying the authenticity and relevance of your Australian qualification.
A successful JRPRE outcome is required before you can apply for Job Ready Employment (JRE).
To be eligible for JRE (Job Ready Employment) you must:
- Have successfully completed the JRPRE
- Have four months or less remaining on your student visa
- Hold a visa or bridging visa that has full (unrestricted) work rights and provides sufficient time to complete the remaining requirements of the JRP (a minimum of 12 months)
- Have secured eligible employment relevant to your nominated occupation (As per TRA Guidelines).
JRWA, (Job Ready Workplace Assessment)
To be eligible for a JRWA, (Job Ready Workplace Assessment) the following is required:
- All of your employment arrangements have been approved by TRA
- Acceptable pay evidence as per TRA Guidelines for at least 863 hours over a minimum of six months from your JRE Start Date
- Acceptable SPRs, EVRs and any other relevant information confirming you are performing expected tasks and duties and developing the skills required for your nominated occupation.
TRA will review your pay evidence and SPRs and advise you by email when you are eligible to apply for a JRWA.
JRFA (Job Ready Final Assessment)
To be eligible to apply for a JRFA (Job Ready Final Assessment) you must have:
- All your employment arrangements approved by TRA
- Achieved a successful JRWA outcome
- Provided TRA with acceptable pay evidence:
- For at least 1725 hours of employment in your nominated occupation
- That demonstrates a minimum of 12 months of active employment from your JRE Start Date. Extended periods of leave or periods of unemployment do not count towards this requirement.
Within 45 days of receipt of your eligible JRFA application, you will receive a letter by email confirming you have completed all steps of the Job Ready Program and receive the skills assessment outcome.
For detailed information, please visit Trade Recognition Australia website.
Source – https://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/programs/job-ready-program
(Disclaimer – The information contained on this page is to provide general advice only and is not to be taken as individual advice for your personal circumstances. Information provided is subject to change at any time, and before making any decision, you should seek professional advice about your circumstances.)
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